At the Twin Falls Public Library, we know how important technology is to teens. That’s why we are celebrating TEEN TECH MONTH this March! Join us all month long for fun events, including an album cover scavenger hunt and digital photography contest.
March 3- March 8: How well do you know your music?
Test your music knowledge with an Album Cover Contest. Stop by the Library to pick up a contest sheet. Fill in the name of the artist and the name of the album for the 10 CD covers on the sheet. The person with the most correct answers is the winner, and will receive a $15 gift card to Hastings.
March 10- March 15: Heard Any Good Books Lately?
When you listen to an audiobook, you experience that book in a whole new way. The voices make the story come alive feel more real. As part of Teen Tech Month at the Twin Falls Public Library, you can win an audiobook of your very own! Tell a librarian if you check out and listen to an audio book any time from March 10-March 15. You can also sign up for Net Library to download audiobooks to an MP3 player. (The Library’s reference department even has MP3 players that you can check out!) Either way, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble good toward an audiobook of your choice.
March 17 – March 24: Capturing the Moment
Show off your camera skills and enter the Library’s Teen Tech Month Photography Contest. Pictures will be placed in one of two categories: unaltered photos, and photos that have been altered with an editing program like Photoshop. Photos can be submitted all month long, but the last day to get your pretty pictures in is March 24. The winners in each category will receive a digital photo keychain. For more information about submitting photos, please contact a Youth Service Librarian.
March 27: The small screen comes to life
Members of the Teen Advisory Board will perform scenes from some of their favorite TV shows at the TAB meeting on March 27 at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome, and we’ll provide the popcorn!
For more information, email TAB!