Happy Holidays, everyone!
The holiday season is here, and the Twin Falls Public Library is celebrating this fun time of year with some awesome teen events! Here's a list of events we’re doing in the month of December:
Tuesday 12/1 @ 4 p.m.: Tuesday Teen Flicks
Thursday 12/3 @ 6:30 p.m.: Teen Open Mic Night
This is your chance to get up in the spotlight and shine! You can come sing a song, recite a monologue, play the guitar, read a poem, or even do a stand up comedy routine! If getting up in front of a crowd isn’t your thing, then just come hang out and cheer on the performers! As always, there will be snacks and drinks!
Saturday 12/5 @ 2 p.m.: Decorate Yscapes for the holidays!
Help us make Yscapes look festive and fun! We’ll listen to Christmas music and have cookies and hot chocolate!
Tuesday 12/8 @ 4 p.m.: Tuesday Teen Flicks
Thursday 12/10 @ 4 p.m.: Teen Book Club— Coraline
Read Neil Gaiman’s book about a girl who discovers an alternate world inside her new house!
Tuesday 12/15 @ 4 p.m.: Tuesday Teen Flicks
Thursday 12/17 @ 6:30 p.m.: Teen Holiday Party and Teen Advisory Board Meeting
If you would like to take part in the gift exchange, bring a gift that costs less than $5.
Tuesday 12/22 @ 4 p.m.: Tuesday Teen Flicks
Tuesday 12/29 @ 4 p.m.: Tuesday Teen Flicks
Wednesday 12/30 @ 5 p.m. “Between the Eves”
Come try your luck at poker and blackjack (using candy instead of money, of course), play board games like Scrabble and Battleship, or show off your skills on the Wii.